The GOP is America’s Al Qaeda

Jason R. Holt
3 min readJan 14, 2021

I am often baffled by the level amoral ignorance and fatal dissonance perpetuated by those on the Right. The entire GOP seems to be made up of lunatics, fanatics, and firearm-brandishing psychopaths. Every time an expert says, “Hey, there’s no fraud here.” They say, “Look again”. When there’s still no evidence of fraud, they go out and cheat and commit voter fraud just to prove that they weren’t wrong. The president himself told Georgia election officials to cheat the election results by “finding” more votes.

How many crimes does a President of the US have to commit before he’s convicted?

I mean, I get why the GOP was frustrated with Clinton…but that is minor compared to what Trump and the GOP has promoted these last four years.

Their ignorance has energized an extremely motivated and highly unstable extremist element who are nothing short of Al Qaeda-levels-of-batshit-crazy. Just read Al Qaeda’s mission statement from 2003 and replace the appropriate words with GOP/fascist propadanda:

  1. Provoke the United States and the West into invading a Muslim country by staging a massive attack or string of attacks on US soil that results in massive civilian casualties.
  2. Incite local resistance to occupying forces.
  3. Expand the conflict to neighboring countries and engage the US and its allies in a long war of attrition.
  4. Convert al-Qaeda {GOP Trumpism} into an ideology and set of operating principles that can be loosely franchised in other countries without requiring direct command and control, and via these franchises incite attacks against the US and countries allied with the US until they withdraw from the conflict, as happened with the 2004 Madrid train bombings, but which did not have the same effect with the July 7, 2005 London bombings.
  5. The US economy will finally collapse by the year 2020, under the strain of multiple engagements in numerous places. This will lead to a collapse in the worldwide economic system, and lead to global political instability. This will lead to a global jihad led by al-Qaeda {GOP}, and a Wahhabi Caliphate {Trumpism} will then be installed across the world.

Too many Democrats want to sit back and let our normal political and legal processes work themselves out. “Let the law, justice, leaders…i.e. “others” do the work of fixing the broken problems.”

Even Congress seems to have a “wait and ignore” attitude towards the violent activities breaking out across the country. It’s almost as if they don’t see the direct influence their own actions are having on the populace. They’ve become that disconnected from those they’re supposed to administer.

There is a part of me that wished more of those nut-jobs had been shot during the failed “Elmer Fudd Insurrection of 2021”. Not necessarily killed…but fired upon and shown what all those bullets they strap on their bodies actually do when fired into human flesh.

If it had been BLM at the Capitol, the difference in the outcomes would have been shocking and traumatic. Just look at the photo-op outside the church that got a full military response with tear-gas for Christians who were protesting the president.

As it was, only four terrorists died during the Elmer Fudd Insurrection. One rioter and three old nut-jobs with heart issues and firearms. A great combination.

More tragically, a capitol police office was crushed and killed during the riot. He died by the press of the mob trying to break into the capitol that was spurred on by the lies and misinformation from the GOP and roughly 47% of the country.

That number…47%. The percentage of people who voted for Trump knowing all of the lies, crimes, and unsavory details of his past. Those are people who hate Democracy and Democrats more than they despise any other immoral act.

All those who voted for Trump are not Republicans. They’re not Democrats. They’re not even Americans. They’re fascists. Neo-Nazi-racist-dirtbags who deserve to be treated with a far heavier hand than our country has traditionally utilized.

They are people who are unable to come to grips with their own failings and use violence to bring some semblance of control to their life.

The GOP is the American Al Qaeda and they need to be dealt with accordingly.



Jason R. Holt

Bay-area IT guy and general fanboy for all things geeky and techy.